CSI** & CSI*** Sharm El Sheikh Results October 1- 11 2009

October 2009/ Arab League, WEG, WC Qualifiers

download the results pdf file
and for social pic

October 2009/ Arab League, WEG, WC Qualifiers

download the results pdf file

and for social pictures of the event, please make sure you join our Facebook Official Fan Page.

Tuesday, October 6th 2009:

HORSE TIMES covered ADIHEX where Horses, Saluki Dogs, Falconry & Camels are part of Emirate Tradition & Culture. For the first time ever in an Arab country,
The Royal Household Calvary Musical Ride magnificently performed for a duration of 4 days.To watch a short display on the Musical Ride,
please make sure you join our Facebook Official Fan Page.

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